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Filling the house with (literally) beady eyed creatures since forever*

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Paper puppies

Steve the Pig

Bright pink and twirly tailed

Freestyle Crochet Donkey

To make this sweet little donkey, I basically crocheted a donkey-shaped 'bag' from the nose back, increasing and decreasing stitches to freeform a donkey shape. At the shoulders I left two holes for the front legs and continued with the body, to come back later and continue crocheting down the legs.

The back legs were added separately later, as were the other donkey bits - tail, mane, eyes and of course the donkey's ears.

It was fun to work without a pattern but risky too. Living life on the edge, one stitch at a time.

Two cats in one crochet

This was great fun, making up these little guys as I went along. I have no idea now how I made the hole but it made sense at the time!

Sticks and stone figure

I love how natural this figure is. I went to paint a face onto the stone but I prefer how facial features somehow suggest themselves without any help. The stone is contained and attached by red thread crocheted to enclose it. I still collect sticks and stone, meaning to do more with these ideas.

Bird boy

Magnolia Bunnies

Made from seed pod casings from our magnolia tree, and papier mache base. This one was the most successful of a bunch of bunny failures.

Eddie paper cut

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yellow balloon painting

71 x 54cm, Acrylic on canvas
Have since reused the floating schnauzer idea

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